I found Deb on TPT almost a year ago, and I have been hooked on her products every since! Deb has such a creative approach to learning that has really helped to enhance my instruction. When I asked Deb if I could participate in her series, I had a hard time choosing between all of her various craftivities- there are just so many great resources to choose from! I finally settled on her Similes, Metaphors, and Alliteration Craftivity: Superheroes.
I not only used Deb's craftivity, but I also used her Figurative Language Power Point and I Have...Who Has: Similes and Metaphors Whole Class Activity Game. It took me a few days to complete all of these activities, but it was worth the time!
I began by first introducing Similes, Metaphor, and Alliteration using the Figurative Language Power Point. I loved how interactive this Power Point was- not only did it contain slides to introduce these terms to the students, but it also contained slides that allowed students to have an opportunity to practice and answer multiple choice questions for each of these areas. We used dry erase boards so I could easily assess each students' understanding and provide immediate feedback.
As a closure to this lesson, we did the I Have...Who Has Simile and Metaphor Game. This allowed the students to practice listening for the key words that signaled a simile or metaphor statement. My students enjoyed this so much that we played it again the next day as a review!
The second and third days were spent completing the craftivity. My students were so excited about the Superhero theme. I think it really helped them make a connection with each area of figurative language, because they later remembered that "Sammy Simile" needed to have like or as, and "Missy Metaphor" did not. Many students were even quick to point out that each superhero name was a short example of "Alex Alliteration."
I began this activity by handing out the two pages of shields to my students. I first had my students identify whether each statement was an example of a simile, metaphor, or alliteration. I had them put either an S, M, or A on the superhero shield so that I could easily check their answers prior to them doing any coloring or gluing. As they were working, my students were able to have some great discussions with one another and debate why a statement belonged in a certain category.
Once I checked my students' work for accuracy, they were able to color, cut, and glue the craftivity together. If you are interested in getting all of these activities I mentioned in this post, you can check out Deb's Figurative Language Bundle which contains all of these activities, plus MANY more!
My students have created several of Deb's craftivities throughout the school year already, and I can tell they are making real connections with each activity. Each craftivity I have ever gotten from Deb is so student and teacher-friendly. Everything is created for you, and all you have to do is print! I love that each of her craftivity resources comes with a picture of a completed version. This really helps my students visualize what their craftivity should look like when they put it together. The craftivities also make great bulletin board displays- parents and administrators love to see students completing meaningful activities!
Deb is going to give away this craftivity to a follower! Head on over to Crafting Connections to enter to win your very own copy!
Enjoy your weekend!